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August 2024 contributions transactions 13 512 844
August 2024 rollover transactions 190 102
August 2024 total superannuation transaction messages 53 203 019


The Gateway Network Governance Body Ltd (GNGB) is an incorporated not-for-profit company, established by key stakeholders in the Superannuation Transaction Network (STN).

The GNGB membership body is made up of organisations representing key stakeholders in the STN and industries actively engaged in the superannuation industry. These include gateways and software providers.

Industry Consultation

Our Chief Executive Officer, Michelle Bower, reports to the Board, and chairs regular Gateway Operator Meetings. This monthly forum forms the key operational governance activity of the GNGB.

At these meetings, the conformance activity of the STN is monitored. It also serves as a forum for the sharing of information, interpretation of standards, trouble shooting and the raising of operational issues and opportunities for collaboration on solutions to common challenges.

Please contact us here if you have any questions regarding the structure and membership of the GNGB.

The membership of the body is made up of:

Co Sponsor Members

Gateway Members

Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA)
Digital Service Providers of Australia and New Zealand (DSPANZ)
Financial Services Council (FSC)


ClickSuper Pty Ltd
eVision Pty Ltd
GBST Wealth Management
Oban Pty Ltd
Ozedi Holdings Pty Ltd
Precision Administration Services Pty Ltd
SuperChoice Services Pty Limited

Members of the GNGB have the opportunity to nominate Directors to the Board.

To ensure the Board benefits from diverse and balanced perspectives, reflecting our key stakeholder sectors, our Board is made up of:

  • Three Directors from the superannuation funds sector
  • One Director from the software sector
  • Three Directors from the gateways sector
  • One Director from the employer sector
  • An Independent Chair

Supporting the superannuation system through good governance