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September 2024 contributions transactions: 12 528 001
September 2024 rollover transactions: 179 854
September 2024 total superannuation transaction messages: 45 383 537

A meet and greet with Kelly Kerr

We are thrilled to introduce our newest director for GNGB, Kelly Kerr. Kerr is currently a Senior Manager, Advocacy & Technical Services at AMP. Kelly represents the superannuation funds sector within the Superannuation Transaction Network (STN). Previously, she held various roles at Westpac and BT Financial Group focused on regulatory reform, strategy and solution design, public policy, product management and administration. Kelly has a wealth of experience and knowledge which will be invaluable for the GNGB Board and management team. She is is an active member of the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA) Super System Design Policy Council and InPractice Committee, the Financial Services Council (FSC) Retirement Policy Working Group and Superannuation Technical Working Group.

We sat down with Kelly to find out a little bit more about her.

This or that!

  • Summer or winter?
  • Education or Experience?
  • Glass half full or half empty?
    Glass half full
  • Funny story or one liner?
  • Apple or Android? 
  • Fiction or Non fiction?
  • Messy desk or clean desk?
  • Camping or hotel?
  • Introvert or extrovert?
  • Passenger or driver?

Further thoughts and reflections

  1. What do you love about your job?

I love what I do but it always comes down to the people and I am fortunate to work with many very talented and passionate people both within the organisation where I work and across the industry. 

  1. What do you think makes for a great team in the workplace?

Trust, respect, diversity, collaboration and a good sense of fun.

  1. What’s the best career advice that you’ve been given?

Be really clear about what you want to achieve and gain support from your sponsors (those who can advocate for you).

  1. What career advice would you offer to others?

In addition to the advice above, be authentic and always be open to new opportunities and challenges.  

  1. What keeps you busy when you’re not at work?

My family! I am also working towards completing the LPAB Diploma in Law so I spend quite a bit of time studying.

  1. What’s an emerging technology that you’re excited about?

Advances in neurotechnology are equally exciting and concerning offering the potential to significantly improve our health, safety and productivity but also presenting serious legal and ethical challenges. 

  1. What’s a book that everyone should read or an album you love?

Elton John’s Goodbye Yellow Brick Road is one of my favourite albums.

  1. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

I’m very happy living right where I am in Sydney, Australia.

  1. What’s the best holiday that you’ve ever had?

I can’t distinguish a best ever holiday or perhaps the best is yet to come. Regardless of the destination, my best holiday memories are centred around fun times with my family.

  1. If you were to use a time machine that went both back in time or into the future, what time would you go to and why?

Time travel is not for me, leave that to Marty McFly – I am happy living in the moment.