January 2025 contributions transactions: 17, 021, 264
January 2025 rollover transactions: 149, 500
January 2025 total superannuation transaction messages: 58, 144, 397

A meet and greet with Trent Lund 

We are thrilled to introduce our newest director for GNGB, Trent Lund. Trent is currently CEO at WrKr which is one of the Gateway Operators within the Superannuation Transaction Network (STN). Previously as a Lead Partner for Innovation and Ventures at PwC Australia and having had worked across the globe delivering innovation and technology led business transformation, Trent has a wealth of experience and knowledge which will be invaluable for the GNGB Board and management team. He currently sits as a Director and Chair on several privately held companies which cover technology in payments, regulation, and compliance, with extensive interaction with diverse regulators and stakeholder groups where market collaboration toward an industry- and regulator-aligned goal is critical. 

We sat down with Trent to find out a little bit more about him. 

This or that!

  • Summer or winter?  

Summer, I am a surfer so no complaints for an endless summer. 

  • Education or Experience?  

Experience 100%, it doesn’t age like education. 

  • Glass half full or half empty?  

Glass over-flowing. I like to see the opportunity first. 

  • Funny story or one liner?  

I love a funny story, they are easy re-tell, but I am a sucker for a good one-liner from someone. 

  • Apple or Android?   

Apple. I was a Google user, but the family won the battle when they dropped me off the iMessage chat until I returned to Apple. 

  • Fiction or Non fiction 


  • Messy desk or clean desk?  


  • Camping or hotel?  


  • Introvert or extrovert?  


  • Passenger or driver?  


Further thoughts and reflections

  1. What do you love about going to work?  

My team. It’s like an extension of family and friends. 

  1. What’s the best career advice that you’ve been given? 

Say yes to every opportunity (particularly when you are young) as you never know what experience will shape your future and what doors will open. 

  1. What career advice would you offer to others? 

As mentioned with the question above, I’d also add ‘be curious,’ never be afraid to ask why. 

  1. What keeps you busy when you’re not at work?  

Family! I have a daughter and two sons in high school. My wife and I are full-time Uber drivers and sideline cheerleaders on weekends. I still manage to squeeze in a surf or paddle, though. 

  1. What’s a book that everyone should read or an album you love?  

‘The E-Myth’ by Michael E Gerber or ‘7-Habits of Highly Effective People’ by Stephen Covey (in my opinion the audiobook was better than the read)! 

  1. If you could live anywhere in the world where would you live?  

I have lived and worked all over the world, and I am pretty sure I have found it in Sydney (*hard to say for a Queenslander too). 

  1. What’s the best holiday you’ve ever had?  

That is hard to say. I have been fortunate enough to travel a lot with family and friends and go on surf trips with mates overseas. Every trip gets better so I can’t answer this one (yet). 

  1. If you could wake up one day magically able to play any instrument perfectly, what would you choose and why?  

The guitar for sure, this always a party favourite. Music is not a skill I possess sadly.