January 2025 contributions transactions: 17, 021, 264
January 2025 rollover transactions: 149, 500
January 2025 total superannuation transaction messages: 58, 144, 397

At GNGB, we frequently refer to the “STN”. You may be wondering what it is and how it relates to GNGB and the superannuation eco-system? We’ve created this short blog piece to help explain. 

STN stands for the Superannuation Transaction Network, which is the data superhighway transmitting superannuation transactions such as rollovers and contributions from point to point across the ecosystem. The STN was developed to assist employers and superannuation funds meet their obligations under the mandatory Data and Payments Standards, which were introduced as part of the SuperStream regulatory program. 

The STN  consists of gateways operators that route, switch and package data messages between employers, superannuation funds and the Australian Tax Office. They use standardised electronic business messaging to carry this important information and controls exists between gateway operators so that they can verify each other and ensure it remains a trusted network. These gateways operators provide services to the industry in compliance with the Data and Payments Standards, aiming to ensure the process is efficient, reliable, and secure.  

Many entities are connected to the STN via their integration with Gateway Operators. These include: 

  • Employers and their digital service providers such as payroll providers and accounting platforms 
  • Super funds 
  • SMSF platform providers 
  • Banks 
  • Administrators of super funds 
  • Clearing houses 
  • ATO 

Take a look at the diagram below for a visual representation of data flows within the STN. It’s a complex system with many touchpoints for both money and data transactions! 

SuperStream is the process by which all employers are required to pay employee superannuation guarantee contributions to super funds. With SuperStream, money and data are sent electronically in a standardised format. SuperStream transmits money and data safely and consistently across the superannuation ecosystem, facilitating the movement of money and data between employers, funds, service providers and the ATO. The data is linked to the payment by a unique payment reference number. 

It is mandatory that all employers, self managed super funds and APRA-regulated funds use SuperStream.  

GNGB was established in 2016 to provide governance across the Gateway Operators that form the STN, in accordance with the Data and Payments standards, and to ensure the STN remains reliable, secure and efficient. In addition to its governance responsibilities, GNGB also engages with key stakeholders in both Government and industry, to ensure the STN continues to play its role and support the superannuation industry.  

If you would like more information, or have questions about the STN, please contact us here.